A Week by Week Erotic Recovery Assignment (eBook)


Busy lives can play havoc with our sex lives. Learn week by week how erotic dates can heal your connection, build trust, and increase the sexual energy you share with your partner.


A Step-By-Step Assignment That Leads to Healing Your Most Intimate Relationship

An eBook written and published by Dr. Tammy Nelson

Make a date with your partner for an erotic evening. Erotic dates are an important part of creating spontaneity and special time in your relationship. It shows commitment and intention to your partnership and adds a caring and more erotic element to your connection.

When two busy people try and create and continue a connected erotic life, their day-to-day management of the busyness of their work and their family can get in the way. We have priorities that we place in front of our intimate life. And yet when our sex life gets pushed to the bottom of the list, we start to feel like our relationship is unimportant and therefore we are no longer important. This is when the fun and the intimacy start to erode.

Within six weeks,if you follow this simple plan, you can reconnect with your partner and begin the healing process. And you may find that you connect in a whole new way, perhaps in a better way. It is important to follow the directions closely, without rushing the steps.

The weeks are laid out in a way that will take you slowly from a gentle touch that is more sensual than sexual, to get you each used to approaching each other and to add some anticipation to the night. As each week progresses, you will find that the exercises take you into more intimate and erotic places, and the sexual energy will increase between you.

These six weeks of erotic dates will help you begin again, start fresh and build anew.  You deserve it!