Why aren’t women happy? (surprising new research)

FACT: Women in the West today have truly become the most autonomous, independent, educated and powerful generation in recorded history…

We’re being heralded as the saviors of the global economy, we’re graduating from college in higher numbers than men, and we’re now the primary breadwinners in American households. We’re also the majority in self-development programs, yoga studios and spiritual communities. The Dalai Lama even prophesied that we’ll “save the world.”

So, with all this opportunity, WHY are studies showing that we’re feeling less happy, more lonely, unwell and depressed than ever before? In spite of all of our gains over the last 50 years, most of us are experiencing a confusing and painful gap between what we sense is possible for our lives and the reality of our daily experience.

Did you know that:
– 50% of us are now living alone without a partner
– One in five of us is on anti-depressants (not counting those of us who feel unhappy and unfulfilled)
– 75% of us have unhealthy relationships with food and our own bodies (and that doesn’t even account for those of us who moan about our thighs!)
– 6 out of 10 of us can’t sleep at night and experience overwhelming financial stress (which is the #1 cause of chronic disease)
– Even though we’re launching small businesses left and right, 95% of us never break the 6-figure barrier to experience the greater success and impact we know we’re here to make.

In spite of all we’ve gained from the feminist and self-empowerment revolutions, it doesn’t seem that the pot of gold we’d hoped for is at the end of the rainbow.

So, ladies, it’s time to ask the million-dollar question:

Why is it that in spite of our accomplishments and years of personal and spiritual growth, we haven’t been able to access the power we need to thrive?

This is the question that my good friends, women’s transformation experts, Claire Zammit, Ph.D.c. & bestselling author Katherine Woodward Thomas, MA, MFT, have been answering for the last seven years.

At a special no-charge online women’s event happening on Saturday, October 13th, they’re going to share the keys they’ve discovered in their work with hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. They’re also going to share the exact step-by-step process they and thousands of women have used to bridge this gap and fulfill their highest calling, deepest potential, and create an extraordinary life.

Register Here >>> Awaken Your Feminine Power

You’ll need to hear Claire and Katherine explain it, but this is the basic thread… We women have been sourcing the WRONG kind of power to create the things we are now yearning for the most! For the last 50 years we’ve been mastering a logical, linear MASCULINE power system — which has empowered us to create those things that are predictable and controllable. Even our spiritual and psychological practices have been created primarily by men, who still don’t fully understand the different ways women develop and evolve. We have more education, more money, more success, more analysis and understanding of our “issues,” more things checked off on our to-do lists than ever. But… Masculine power hasn’t given us access to the ability to create those things that can’t be controlled with a strategic, step-by-step plan…

Those things your heart and soul are aching for, such as true love, intimacy, spiritual connection, self-expression, creativity, right livelihood, the fulfillment of your destiny or higher calling, creating an enlightened world for generations to come; all of these require the awakening of FEMININE power to bring them forth.

I am extremely excited that this priceless information on Feminine Power is available to you at no charge. Claire and Katherine insisted on making it available this way. They felt this was such vital information for all women to have that they didn’t want finances to be a barrier for anyone.

Join me and a global tribe of extraordinary women who’ll be coming together for this very special virtual online event — there’s nothing like the power of group energy to cause a breakthrough in your life!

And make sure you sign up even if you can’t be there live — they’ll gladly send you the recording.
I can’t wait for this event to happen and I hope to “see” you there!

To coming fully ALIVE together,


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