Couples are negotiating monogamy in new ways, defining fidelity through transparency and disclosure rather than by maintaining sexual fidelity.

    • Can you be happy with one partner?
    • Are you satisfied with emotional monogamy or sexual fidelity?
    • Can you love more than one person and still be married?


Dr. Tammy Nelson is an expert in relationships, an author and TEDx speaker. Let Dr. Tammy's experience work in your favor.

Everyone has their own concept of what “monogamy” means, but couples rarely discuss exactly what their monogamy agreement means to them.

The New Monogamy offers a way for couples to negotiate their agreements to meet the unique needs of their relationship.

The New Monogamy helps:

    • Define the relationship that feels right for you
    • Heal after infidelity
    • Create more explicit agreements

This “new monogamy” creates a connection that is so strong it can withstand longevity, affairs and even polyamory.

    • How do you begin a conversation with your partner about these ideas?
    • What does it mean to have a new monogamy relationship?

You can have many different relationships within the lifetime of your marriage or committed partnership - And they can be with the same person.

Buy my book, The New Monogamy, to begin today. Write me for a free copy of the New Monogamy Questions.