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Special offer for writers: FREE consult!

For anyone who has already taken a writing course with me in the past, if you refer a friend, that friend and the writer who refers them will BOTH receive a FREE 20 minute consult with me — During the FREE consult we will review your writing, synthesize your goals for publishing, and create a clear, integrated and personalized vision to get you jump started on your writing and publishing plan for the future.

Just this week I reviewed a book contract from a publisher for one of the students from the spring Writing and Publishing class. They completed their book proposal during this course, and as a result, they sent out query letters and got a great response. This new author is accepting an offer and signing a book contract this week.

Other students have started blogs, published articles, and are getting PAID for their writing as a direct result of this Writing and Publishing course.

Sign up now for the Fall Writing and Publishing Course, and in 8 weeks learn to create a Query letter, write a Book Proposal, Build your Social Media Platform, and open your creative Flow. Get clear on what you want to write, sharpen your expert niche, and find your voice.

Other students who have taken this class with me are saying…

I have really enjoyed this class. It got me writing and pushed me to grow in many ways. Reading everyone’s writing was both inspirational and educational. Learning about publishing, query letters, and building my platform gave me invaluable tools for developing as a writer and for building my practice. Tammy’s teleclass instruction and critiques were inspirational, challenging, and motivating. – Susan, Lake Forest, CA

Start, Create, and Complete a Writing Project with the Motivation and Support You Need to Reach Your Writing Goals

A 12-hour live teleclass – Sept 4, 18, Oct 2, 16, 30, Nov 6, 20, Dec 4 from 12:00 – 1:30 pm Eastern.

Listen live or download the teleclass and listen at your convenience.

Cost: Pay per session: $69/session; $59/session for Imago Therapists OR pay for the full session: $550 for all 8 sessions; $470 for all 8 sessions for Imago Therapists. Prices include all handouts, critiques, and proposals and membership in an online writing group.

Don’t forget, if you refer a friend, you BOTH receive a FREE CONSULT….mention that you were referred by a writer who has taken Dr. Tammy’s writing and publishing class and schedule your FREE CONSULT today

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