This short and informative article in Psychotherapy Networker provides lots of ideas for using publishing self-help books, media, recordings, classes to boost the success of your therapy practice. You don’t have to be a superstar therapist like Dr. Phil to build an audience. It’s absolutely possible to establish multiple streams of income, with a bit of courage and creativity. Check out the original article: Augment Your Practice by Publishing: What Authors of the Best Self-Help Books Already Know
Have a dream of publishing your own work? Whether you are writing to publish nonfiction, a memoir or a clinical book or article, join me for the next session of Writing and Publishing for Professionals beginning February 18th. This course will help you to feel motivated, break through your writers block, and give you a finished product to either self publish, or submit to a literary agent or publishing house. This course will help you decide what your best course of action will be for your particular project and will offer you resources, guidance, alternatives and potential for publication.