The internet has drastically changed how we interact with our fellow humans, including sexually. Prior to the internet the only way to view pornography was through VHS or adult movie theaters. Wide-spread internet access has made it easy to make, distribute, and view pornography. Pornography is now a hot-button topic in many homes, and I often see couples who are negotiating their new monogamy agreement struggle with defining whether viewing pornography is a betrayal. Thankfully, the internet has paved the way for ‘feminist’ and ‘queer indie’ pornography that depicts a wider variety of participants and sexual activities with realistic sexual engagement. The downside to so much access to pornography is it often becomes a source for sexual education amongst curious youth.
To read more on this topic, check out Gideon Bradshaw’s article ‘Sex Edition: Internet evens score in porn war, adds variety of sexual preferences‘
And if you need something to chuckle at today, enjoy this clip from Broadway Puppetry Musical Avenue Q.
To learn how to help your clients understand, define, and negotiate the personal and technological boundaries of fidelity and betrayal join me for a full day of training at the 2014 Psychotherapy Networking Symposium in Washington, DC on Sunday March 23rd. Monogamy in the Internet Age