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New Fall Session! Writing and Publishing for Professionals

Is writing and publishing a dream for you as it is for many therapists and professionals? You may be closer than you think to publishing a book or article that can get your name out into the world.

I am now accepting reservations for the Fall session of the Writing and Publishing for Professionals group. Class starts September 18th (Imago, AASECT, AFTA and APA) therapists enjoy a special discount.

Whether you are writing nonfiction, memoir or a clinical book or article, this course will help you to feel motivated, break through your writers block, and give you a finished product to either self publish, or submit to a literary agent or publishing house. This course will help you create a Query letter, a Proposal and give you guidance, resources, and advice from a published author who has insight and alternatives for you to increase your potential for publication in this current competitive environment.

Each participant will have expert input, group support and feedback as well as individual consult time for planning a trajectory for success. There will be writing assignments and online accountability throughout the eight weeks and each participant will submit writing for feedback. The feedback is positive and productive only and the guidance is always helpful.

In this workshop we will work on beginning an idea for a writing project, creating a plan, unblocking creative flow and completing a proposal and publishing plan. By the end of the 8th week:

  1. Participants will learn how to narrow down a topic that is passionate and marketable.

  2. Participants will decide how to make time and find entry points for their project.

  3. We will review the positives and negatives of self publishing versus publishing through a publishing house.

  4. We will review marketing plans and creation of social media platforms to launch a book into the world.

  5. Participants will learn the basics of a proposal and cover letter, outline and submission guidelines for books.

  6. Blogging and creating a plan for blogging will be explored.

  7. Participants will learn how to create time for writing and will receive feedback and personalized critique.

  8. Instructor feedback will be included in the course. Private consultation available in addition to cost of course.

Writers need support, encouragement and feedback. A writers group can provide positive suggestion and give guidance and direction to a project that is stuck or in the vision stage.

A group can inspire you and more importantly, motivate you to get started and complete a project. Being accountable to a group, completing writing exercises, getting and giving feedback, and creating a plan for submissions will help you as a writer and in your life. The class will help you get through a first draft, a second, a third and maybe more. Join other writers, find your muse, create a plan and leave with a vision for publication.

Register Now to Start, Create and Complete a Writing Project with the Motivation and Support You Need to Reach Your Writing Goals

Try my FREE 1-hour Teleseminar on September 4th. Registration is Free.

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