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Got sex? If you are a clinician, a sex or couples therapist you probably need more training.

Training in Contemporary Sex and Couple’s therapy is lacking in the Psychotherapeutic community. As a Certified Sex Therapist for many years now, I supervise sex therapists and counselors and am amazed at the lack of training in basic communication and intervention skills for the unique challenges most couples face. The education most psychotherapists have had in sexuality has been limited and may not help with the more intense issues most of us face in our offices, where we work in the trenches with couples who face all types of complex and sometimes stressful situations in their marriages and partnerships.

I was originally trained as a couple’s therapist and I remember thinking that in relationship therapy education no one ever talked about sex! Even in graduate programs or post graduate programs the idea was that if we were trained and educated to fix the relationship, the sex would fix itself. Yet over the years I found that not to be true. I wrote my book, Getting the Sex You Want, to educate both couples and clinicians to use good relationship therapy skills to increase the passion in relationships and to talk about sex in partnerships where very few people were talking about how to communicate about sex.

At the time, any post-graduate programs and trainings in couples therapy, along with MD, PhD and marriage and family programs, only taught students an average of 15 minutes of lectures on the theme of sexuality. Therapists came out of school totally unprepared to talk about sexual performance, orientation, eroticism, or anything related to sexuality or desire.

Today, we have done more to advance the field of sex therapy, but now there is a lack of training in the opposite direction. Therapists can be certified as Sex Therapists, Educators and Counselors, and become Certified Sex Therapists, yet come out of years of post-graduate training without any education or experience in how to work with people in relationships.

I wrote my book The New Monogamy, because at the time most of the couples who were struggling with betrayal and hurt were unaware of how to process their implicit monogamy agreements and the micro-hurts that happened long before their affairs. They weren’t getting help from their therapists on how to negotiate new monogamy agreements, and the sex therapists they went to, while trained to be open minded and ‘sex positive’ were often lacking in basic couples therapy skills.

Today, you can be both. As a professional working with relationships, you need to be both. Training in sex and couple’s therapy is imperative if you work with couples or any type of conservative or alternative relationships, in order to help partners in their myriad struggles, to help them move toward their goals, and to make their relationships work.

If you have a wish to be better trained in working with sex and couples and relationships, you may be searching for a good cross-over program to help you not only become certified as a sex therapist, but find the skills you need to work with couples. If this is you, Sex Therapy U can help.

Sex Therapy U has classes with experts in Relationship therapy, Sex therapy, Gender, Alternative Monogamy, and much more. We have all the Core Knowledge Areas that you need to fulfill your requirements for certification for AASECT Sex Therapist or Counselor. We also give you a good, basic education in Relationship Therapy.

You can also contact me for supervision by phone or in person to help you with the questions you have with your cases. I believe all of us working in this field want more. I want to provide you with the rich, exciting and enticing educational experience you deserve….

Now you can specialize in both couples and sexuality, and as the expert, you can be as brilliant at both as I know you want to be, for both your couples and for your own relationships at home.

Join Dr Tammy Nelson, Gail Guttman, Michael Giordano, Hani Miletski, Patricia Johnson and Mark Michaels this May as they offer a challenging and fun program for all levels and for AASECT CE’s.

Sex Therapy U is offering 3-day event of special topics related to sex and couple’s therapy, a professional training in therapy practice and contemporary issues in sexuality designed to help you reach Certification as an AASECT Sex Therapist and to move you toward education as a Sex and Couple’s Therapist.

Register for one, two or for all three days to receive the greatest discount.

“Sex Therapy U” Training – Spring Session; May 12, 13, 14, 2016 in Washington, DC

25 CEUs Available in just THREE DAYS through AASECT and NASW

Day 1 : Gender Identity, History of Sexology, Substance Abuse and Desire Dilemmas

  1. The New World of Gender Identities with Michael Giordano, LICSW

  2. Special Lunch Presentation: The History of Sexology Research Methods and Theory

  3. Substance Abuse, Club Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, Plant Medicines and Desire

Day 2 : New Marriage and New Models; Developing Couples and Sex Therapy Skills

  1. Nontraditional and Flexible Monogamy Agreements and Designer Relationships with Patricia Johnson and Mark Michaels

  2. Models of Sex and Relationship Therapy; Other Integrative Methods with Dr. Gail Guttman

Day 3 :Sex Therapy and Gender; Integrative Treatment Methods

  1. The New Sexual “Dysfunctions” : Female Desire, Male Performance and Compulsive Online Behaviors including Porn Use, Cyber Sex, Social Media and Exploitation

  2. Dressing and Inter-Sex: What Mental Health Providers Need To Know About Working With the Transgender Community with Hani Miletski

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