I’m honored and excited to announce that I have launched a new in-Person AASECT certification supervision group that will meet at my office in New Haven, CT starting July 26!
Each group will meet for four hours, from 12 noon until 4 pm Eastern time. There are three dates to choose from: July 26, Sept 25 or Oct 23, 2015. Please indicate your choice of day at time of registration.
I have also extended my Online Group Supervision and have a couple of openings in two phone/online Supervision groups:
June 4, June 25 and July 9th Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm
June 1, June 15, June 29 and July 13th Mondays 3:30 to 5:00pm
Register for a group by emailing TammyNelsonAsst@gmail.com and reserving your spot here.
Working in a group setting with a PhD Board Certified, Master Level, Expert therapist, supervision will give you a chance to share your cases and hear ample feedback and receive interventions and direction from me, and from the group.
Each participant will have time to present cases, ask questions, and learn from other participants. Group discussion, experiential intervention and optional homework may include reading material, videos, and other suggestions for practice of hands on skills. Maximum participation is encouraged. All experience and backgrounds are encouraged to participate, and all dynamics and approaches welcome.
Supervision for beginners to advanced practitioners Special topics and expertise include couples therapy, sexuality, infidelity AASECT supervision for sex therapists and educators Supervision for LPCs and other consultation available upon request