Changing monogamy agreement after infidelity

I was mentioned in this article on An Affair can Break (or Make) a Relationship

Author Tammy Nelson points out that even though the discovery of an affair can be hard to handle, the majority of couples faced with this situation know that unfaithfulness involves more than just emotional or physical betrayal with another person.

Nelson also speaks about monogamish relationships. When couples are together for a long period of time, they may consider renegotiating the parameters of their relationship. Some couples may choose to permit sexual dalliances and physical trysts while other couples may adhere to more stringent monogamish guidelines which only permit flirting or going to strip clubs, for example. Nelson notes that relationships should be fluid. They change over time and for many partners, the monogamy of the relationship may have to change as well. Overall, deciding whether an affair is going to make or break a relationship is a very personal choice. Walkup says, “Sometimes my clients acknowledge that coping with infidelity was the worst and yet the best thing to happen to their relationship,” Walkup says. When the pain subsides, couples who choose to work through the issues that led to the affair may benefit from a more intimate and closer bond than they ever had before.

Thanks for the mention! If you want to know more about erotic recovery after infidelity, be sure to sign up for my free teleclass sponsored by GoodTherapy: Couples in Recovery After Infidelity: Creating a New Monogamy

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