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Infidelity: What’s The Key To Forgiveness?
If your spouse has had an affair, you may feel that you can never forgive him. However, holding onto a grudge can fill you with toxic...
Open relationships: Faces of Polyamory
This article on explores a form of non-monogamy that is gaining popularity called polyamory – having simultaneous close emotional...
Why do you have sex?
Two new studies have found that knowing the motivation behind why people have sex with their long-term partners is a greater indicator of...
Why People Cheat: 12 Differences Between Men and Women
Terri Coles talks in Why People Cheat: 12 Differences Between Men And Women about cheating and the sexes. We know more than we ever have...
What makes monogamous couples tick?
In the next video for YourTango, John Gray, LiYana Silver, Debi Berndt and I continue our discussion with what makes monogamy work. Are...
Why Do Women Cheat?
Are women unfaithful for the same reasons as men? Senior VP of experts at YourTango, Melanie Gorman, sat down with relationship experts...
How Do You Find Out If Your Partner’s Cheating?
They’re texting behind your back. They’re sending texts and emails at odd hours and working late into the night. You suspect they’re...
The surprising thing about affairs: attractiveness isn’t primary reason for cheating
Cheating Survey Finds That People Cheat With People Less Attractive Than Their Spouses The suggestion being that people have affairs for...
Create more harmonious relationships
There’s some really great advice in here: 6 Ways to Create More Harmonious Work and Love Relationships by Amber Rae for
Emma Thompson on Monogamy and Feminism
Emma Thompson shared her view of life-long monogamy being just one of many models for romantic relationships, with her personal preferred...
Study shows that infidelity is not leading cause of divorce
A recently published study by Co-operative Legal Services, a U.K.-based company, shows that infidelity does not necessarily lead to...
Create Sexual Desire in Six (short) Weeks
Not feeling the desire for sex? Lost some of the passion? Living in a sexless marriage? In my new teleseminar, Creating Sexual Desire in...
6 Steps Back to Sex
My latest HuffingtonPost blog is devoted to couples who are suffering from lack of sexual desire following infidelity or a period of...
Cheating Husbands’ Favorite Beer
If you catch your husband drinking a Corona or Guinness, should you be worried? Turns out that cheating husbands prefer Corona or...
What Polyamory IS, and What It Is NOT
Polyamory is a hot topic with couples and in the media. Showtime’s production “Polyamory: Married and Dating” produced and created by...
Can you learn to trust like you learn a habit?
Can trust in your partner be (re)built over time, like establishing a new habit? Will you be able to more easily forgive and therefore...
10 Habits of Happy Couples
Habits are actions and behaviors that are integrated into your everyday patterns of behavior. It takes an average of 21 days to create a...
What caused humans to turn to monogamy?
Two studies recently published their findings regarding the origins of monogamy, and it turns out they disagree with each other. One says...
How would you define cheating?
HuffingtonPost polled it’s readers about how they would define cheating and the responses varied wildly. In this day and age of live-time...
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