The changing definition of family in America
Loneliness after Divorce – hug yourself happy
The Intentional Divorce: A New Frontier
10 Ways to Make 2014 The Best Year Ever for Your Relationship
How do you get your skeptical partner into the therapist office?
Why Men Don’t Cheat, from The
Last minute romantic ideas for New Year’s Eve
Do cheaters get a high from lying?
Create a Loving and Harmonious Holiday Season with Your Sweetheart!
New Membership Program
Is a Little Jealousy So Wrong?
Emotional cheating just as bad, if not worse, than physical
Christian Swingers?
Relationship myth: Communication is everything
Announcing a new resource for couples:
Why Can’t We Have It All… & Should We Just Stop Trying?
Tammy on The Opening Door with Wendy Strgar
Who cheats? Attachment theory says insecure spouses do
Can texting increase intimacy in your relationship?
Rediscovering your sexuality after divorce or infidelity